Quelle rencontre aussi incroyable qu’inattendue au Texas. Celle de Chad Eubank.
Sur les conseils d’Yvan Jane qui a eu la gentillesse de m’accueillir chez lui au Texas, j’ai passé plusieurs jours chez Chad.

Ses mots après notre rencontre résume bien ces quelques jours passés à ses côtés:
« What an awesome experience I had over the weekend. The connections you make on the road of life are pretty valuable. A friend from France sent a gentleman to me to help with his book. The connection between horse and man. Bruno came to America from France for just a few days. In hoping to capture on film the bond that a horse might have with me. He has already been all over the world to have these experiences with others. I feel very fortunate to have been chosen to represent this bond in the West. The sights and sound he watched over my shoulder and some times at my side , were nothing but magical to him. He saw me put the first two rides on a couple horses, rope and saddle a couple for their first time and watch them hook up to me and become bonded as they were not before the sessions had started. I let him experience riding one of my personal horses bridless as that was his dream from a young boy to do when he watched his grandfather with horses back in France. Although at times he did not understand how I could bond with the animals so easily and quick like, we both found a few things in common about each other. People may live worlds apart, but we both have the same goal in life. To be kind to animals , have a peaceful heart, and appreciate the Earth we live on. Thank You @bzaraya for your time, I can not wait to see what you have to publish! »